Manufacturing & Cost Accounting

Increase Efficiency, Reduce Costs, and Improve Productivity

Schedule cost accounting services in Salt Lake City, UT

Monitoring the costs of raw materials, labor and sales can occupy resources better spent on growing your business. In the Arena is here to serve you so you can focus on improving your business. We offer accounting services to manufacturing businesses in Salt Lake City, UT.

With us by your side, you can:

  • Ensure your profits and margins are maximized and your pricing is correct
  • Plan for future projects and analyze the return on past capital expenditures compared to predictions
  • Allocate your resources among people and systems to gain efficiencies and reduce redundancies and non value added work
  • Satisfy customer requests by matching your capacity with the demand requirements and ensuring you have the human capital to meet needs

For cost accounting services, we assist with standard costing, profitability analysis, marginal costing and inventory control and analysis. Speak with one of our consultants today to learn more about these services.

Training your staff to better understand cost accounting

In the Arena offers cost and manufacturing accounting services to business owners and their staff. We can teach you everything you need to know about:

Profitability analysis by product or service

Vendor contract reviews and negotiations

Establishing and monitoring KPIs

Inventory control and analysis

Standard costs

Marginal costs

Our manufacturing accounting services include noting the costs of every item produced, including direct materials, labor, gross margins, pricing models, shop rates and manufacturing overhead. For more information on our training or cost accounting services, please reach out to us today.